Ideas for Niches

Objective: To give you specific examples of niches that have been PROVEN to work for email marketing. What You’ll Accomplish: By the end ...

Objective: To give you specific examples of niches that have been PROVEN to work for email marketing.
What You’ll Accomplish: By the end of this lesson, you’ll have so many ideas for niches to market to that your head will explode!
Estimated Completion Time: 5 minutes
Before You Begin: Get a notebook and pencil for the exercise at the end.
In the last lesson, you learned about the criteria for a good “Inboxer” niche.
In this lesson, I want to give you some specific ideas for good niches to create your email marketing business around. These are niches that meet the four criteria you learned about in the last lesson…
1. Are there always offers to promote; lots of things to buy?
2. Are customers in this niche known to buy?
3. Can you market to this niche online in a profitable way?
4. Do you like this niche?
Keep those questions in mind as you go through this list.

1. Weight Loss

Surprised? I hope not. Weight loss is the quintessential email marketing niche. Many people are always on the lookout for new weight loss tips, and are ESPECIALLY on the lookout for anything that can help them lose weight without having to put in any work!
That’s why weight loss brings with it a bunch of monetization opportunities, from information products to physical ones.

2. Bodybuilding

Not everybody wants to lose weight. Many people want to GAIN WEIGHT (generally in the form of muscles!). When people are into bodybuilding, they’re INTO bodybuilding. They’re hungry for information and any “build muscle quick” system they can find.

3. Food, Cooking, Healthy Eating

Another winning email marketing niche is anything food related. There are lots of people online looking for information on the right foods to eat and recipes to prepare them.
This doesn’t just have to be healthy food. There is demand for information and products on all types of food. What about desserts? Comfort foods? Barbecue? There are literally dozens of topics in the food and cooking space.

4. Get Your Ex Back, Dating Advice in general

If you’ve ever been dumped before, you know how emotional you get. If it’s somebody you still want to be with, you’re DESPERATE to figure out how to get that person back. That’s why “get your ex back” is a great email marketing niche.
It’s just one of the many “sub-niches” that work in the dating advice meganiche. Some other ideas include dating advice for men, pickup, dating advice for women, keep your partner from cheating, how to talk to a guy/girl, and just about anything else in that area.

5. Investing, Trading (such as FOREX), and Personal Finance

There’s a massive demand for financial information of all kinds. But for email marketing, you want to focus on a topic that impacts your reader’s finances in a personal way. So if you’re interested in investments, trading, and all aspects of personal finance, this is a great niche.
Here’s an example: FOREX. That’s a fancy way of saying “foreign exchange.” People in FOREX markets try to predict when currencies will increase or decrease in value. If they guess correctly, then they can make a lot of money.
Needless to say, FOREX traders want to get the latest and greatest strategies to beat the market and make a lot of money. That’s why there’s a lot of demand for cutting-edge information – and even trading software – in this niche.

6. Real Estate

Real estate is a popular way for people to invest their money. Because real estate isn’t cheap, the stakes are high and people want to be sure they’re investing their money effectively. That makes it a great niche to create an email newsletter AND market information products to.

7. Electronics and Gadgets

There’s a reason why technology websites like Wired and CNET are some of the most popular on the internet. Many people LOVE anything technology related. And a large percentage of them not only buy electronics and gadgets, they are desperate for INFORMATION about how to use what they’ve bought effectively.
Training and software products for devices – smartphones, tablets, computers – as well as games, productivity apps and other tools, can all work well for email marketing.
The nice thing about doing something technology related for email marketing is that there’s always something expensive to review AND drive traffic to… which equals revenue!

8. Gaming

The gaming community is a profitable one. Just ask Microsoft and Sony!
There is a lot of content you can create with gaming, along with many products you can promote. These include physical products (games, systems, accessories) and information products, such as strategy guides and, of course, more games.

9. Pets

If you’ve ever had a pet, you know how much care and attention they need. That’s why pet owners are on the lookout for information that makes taking care of their pets easier and more fun. They’re also willing to spend money on information and products too.
Here are even more ideas for niches…
Relationship advice
Finding a job
Back pain
Panic attacks
Musical instruments
Investing in precious metals
Binaural beats
Quit smoking
Wine making
There are plenty of other winning niches, but this is a pretty big list. You should have plenty of ideas now.


1. Select 5 of niches that interest you from the ideas above.
2. With each niche, write down the answers to the four questions you learned about in the last lesson…
  1. Are there always offers to promote; lots of things to buy?
  2. Are customers in this niche known to buy?
  3. Can you market to this niche online in a profitable way?
  4. Do you like this niche?
When you’re starting out, it’s best to stick to niches that have worked for others.
There’s a reason why they worked so well for them!
Now that you have a bunch of ideas for niches, in the next 3 lessons I’m going to show you how to determine which ones are the best for you to create you email marketing business in by using some AMAZING websites…



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How To Make Money Online: Ideas for Niches
Ideas for Niches
How To Make Money Online
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